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Site Vigil Pro

A sophisticated web site monitoring tool, allows check your site thoroughly.


"A sophisticated web site monitoring tool, thoroughly check your site provides."
zagruzit.com Editor: Site Vigil you check your site thoroughly a web site that provides advanced monitoring tool. By following the flow of visitors increase web site effectiveness. Make sure your site and web hosting provided operational a fast, trouble-free service. Program automatically search engines and all the links you can check the validity of the position of your site.
This is an ordinary Windows PC, silently in the background to collect data using a normal internet connection works. Such a problem is noticed and periodically alerts you soon. Every hour or day or week in the form of a report on activity in a concise summary is created.
Broken links to a web server for fast session a failure, one of the most common cause was spotted looking at a user detects a web page or a graphic file exists no longer. Typically, this means that the file or not yet uploaded or deleted by mistake, external sites (especially search engines) are still just as important to the referring page may have been deleted or moved. This automatic forwarding page by adding links or changing can take action.
Web site visitor traffic to detect a Surge. Significantly increases the number of sudden found. This is usually referred to a link to an external page in your site is added. Site Vigil Pro 6.4.1 download free now you can do.

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